Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do unto others as you would want the Father to do unto you.

Have you ever put so much faith and work into someone only to have them disappoint you? You see so much potential in them, but they fail to see it for themselves. You hold high expectations for them and their lives, accomplishments, but they remain satisfied with mediocrity and just getting by.

I hate these moments with a passion!!

One of the biggest problems that I have is working with someone near and dear to me and believing in them with all my heart...and they just don't make the cut. [Sidenote: This is not a personal attack, but if you feel like this fits your life, or your place in mine, maybe it's time for some self reflection and an action plan] Ok, the problem doesn't come when they suffice with barely acceptable, the problem comes with my reaction. I seriously get angry. Well, maybe it's more of a disappointment. I will actually have an they knew what they were doing and how much it hurt me. I'm still trying to figure out if I get so torn up because I feel personally offended or because they just don't see their potential and will settle for less again, and again. At the end of the day, I might lose my attitude, but deep down I feel a loss of hope and contemplate never helping this person again because it wouldn't matter, the same problems would exist and I just don't have the time.

Needless to say, this has happened multiple times in my life with my family, close friends, even from a distance. During one of my latest tiffs with my emotions, I began to really think about why I was so bothered. And then the camera lens turned to me. All of a sudden I felt ashamed. Is this the way that God feels when I choose not to do right? Does my inability to recognize or accept my greater purpose stain His heart with disappointment? Does He ever think to leave me to fend for myself in this cold, brutal world? Never. Regardless of the decisions that I make in my life, God never leaves my side. He continues to work with me and lead me down the right path. He repeatedly accepts my apologies and pledges despite my wavering actions. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

All I can say is that He is not through with my yet....still got a few kinks to work out, but I'm steady growing every day!

So I say, it's fine to do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, but I'm more concerned with the Father above because his is the only opinion that truly matters.

...but what do I know?

Until next time....

"Those that are the hardest to love, need it the most."

"I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
-Hebrews 13:5

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