Sunday, May 15, 2011

What I Learned in Kindergarten!

The following is a poem that I wrote for my final presentation about my semester teaching a Kindergarten class. I learn a lot from this class of little people and wanted to share a piece of my experience. Enjoy! (It looks longer than it is!)

There once was a student
who wanted to know
what it was like to be a teacher.
She worked very hard
To learn what it takes,
This student was very eager.
This student had worked
With children before
But nothing quite this official.

Time cards and lesson plans,
Read alouds, and crafts,
This experience would be beneficial.
Before she was able
to step into class
a few things had to be planned.
How would she make an impact
at Washington school,
when respect she had to command.

The first three goals
That she set for herself
Were stay educated, be flexible, and reflect.
This meant being in tune
With the needs of the class
And be sure everything would connect.
Connect to the students
Connect to their lives
Connect reading, writing, and math
Reflect on the lessons,
Reflect on the feelings,
Even in stress, stay on the right path.
Whenever there’s something
That doesn’t work out
Don’t fret, just research and learn
About other ways
The students can grasp
The concepts you want them to earn.

Now on to the students,
The wonderful beings
Full of such personalities
At all different levels
Of reading, of learning,
Their success is our responsibility.
The students were open
And willing to join
Me on this adventure of learning to teach
Throughout my time shared
Assignments and projects
Each student I hope that I reached.

This journey was not quite
As smooth as planned,
It definitely could have been better.
Ambitious in some
of the tasks that I asked
I was forced to get it together
Though some of the assignments
Were asking a lot
Much to my intention
The students will deliver
To your expectations
As long as they pay attention.

By the end of my
Ten weeks in Kindergarten
The amount that I learned was priceless.
Repeat everything,
Don’t speak too fast,
Make sure the lessons have a purpose.
Ask clear questions,
Read fun books,
They love to color with markers,
At the end of the day
They want you to listen
They’ll tell you their stories regardless.

Those students in room
taught me more than I can share
But overall
The students just want
To know that you care and you’ll be there.
On my journey to being
A teacher of K…
Maybe even 1st grade
It is not about the impact
That I had
But the difference in my life they made.

The class door that I decorated

Most of my class
Me reading to the class

1 comment:

  1. I loved it then and I love it now! I promise I'm not stalking your blog, i just can't help but like everything. :)
